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植物組織培養 實驗消耗器材 水質檢驗儀器 分析試藥 生化試藥 溫控儀器 特殊化學 玻璃儀器 生化原料

分 析 試 藥

Where over 170 employees contribute to quality
C'est plus de 170 employes orientes vers la qualite

Anachemia's 50 years of success as a chemical manufacturer is the esult of a dedicated and committed work force which understands their customers' needs for quality. Quality is built in from the design of the product, through its production and delivery to the customer. We recognize that our future success depends on going beyond basic quality control procedures to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. A further milestone in our journey is our commitment to ISO 9002, which is driven by the employees within Anachemia.
Documentation of product certification is a growing need in laboratories. We recognize that need and provide either Certificates of Analysis and/or Certificates of Conformity for our wide range of ACS and Reagent grade chemicals. Our volumetric solutions and buffers are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) and Certificates of Traceability are available. We continually assess the shelf-life of time-sensitive products and the results of that research are reflected in the label expiry dates of these products.



Easy to use, Save time
Jyst transfer the content of the ampule or polyethylene container to a volumetric flask and dilute to exactly 1000 ml with deionized water and your fully standardized solution is ready to use, there is no need for subsequent standardization.

Specially designed volume measuring equipment is used in our filling operation to ensure the exact concentrated equivalent of the normality stated on the labed, to a guaranteed accuracy.

Packaged in sealed glass ampules or polyethylene containers, various solutions and normalities can be stored in a minimum of space and are indefinitely stable in concentrated form.

Eliminating the need ofr weighing and standardization in your lab, these products are an economical alternative to in-house solution preparation.

敝行尚有其他如英國KL,英國M&B,美國Aldrich 等名廠分析試藥現貨供應。

(獲 ISO 認証通過)

SPECTROSOL Spectroscopy Materials
'SPECTROSOL' reagents are manufactured, packaged and tested by Ajax to conform to strict quality specifications suitable for Ultra-violet, Bisibled and Atomic absorption(AAS) spectroscopy techmiques. These products are also suitable for some chromatographic techniques.
'SPECTROSOL' products cover 13 UV- Vis solvents in a choice of pack sizes,& 29 AAS aqueous standards.

UNIVAR Analytical Reagents.
'UNIVAR' products have long been recognised as the standard for analytical reagents in Australia and in some overseas markets. In many cases the purity conform. Or exceeds the American Bhemical Society standard (A.C.S).
'UNIVAR' range covers over 300 products, many of which are available in bulk, where such high purity fine chemicals are required for critical industrial applications.
'UNIVAR' products can be found if most laboratories and are used in a wide variety of analytical techniqued for quality continually expanded to ensure they are suitable for the high technology instrumentation used in laboratories today. All Univar specifications in this book have been totally revised to reflect the increasing demand for lower trace impurities.

UNILAB General Purpose Reagents
'UNILAB'products are reagent quality chemicals suitable for use in general laboratory work.
'UNILAB'range forms the core of the Ajax fine chemical range with an expanded coverage exceeding 530 products in stock.
'UNILAB'products are assayed to conform to the specifications listed in the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) and are used as high quality raw materials in food and pharmaceutical processes.
'UNILAB'chemicals are tested by methods specified in the BP or USP or other suitable techniques as described in the Food Chemical Codex.

'LABCHEM'range of chemicals are in many cases quality reagents for a particular analysis where no recognised standard is applicable. For example: the range of Ajax ready-to-use buffers in standard, or colour coded formulae. In other cases'LABCHEM'products are intermediate in quality between'UNILAB'and technical grades, and although they may not carry a specification, they are of consistent quality and are suitable in qualitative laboratory work.

These chemicals are supplied for qualitative work, for example, development of product formulations, as well as industrial and commercial use. Usually they do not have a specification listed in this book, however, there will be a typical specification available for large quantity enquiries. There are over 3,500 technical grade products available form Ajax Chemicals, only some have been listed in this book.

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TEL: 02-29067100 , 29038301
FAX: 02-29041063
